07 888 8876 [email protected]

Boardroom & Meeting Rooms for Hire - Contact the Office 

Our Objectives


To provide facilities that will further enable the development of community-based services.


Matamata Community Resource Centre strives to achieve:

  • services that are maintained at a high and professional standard
  • a safe environment for users of the centre
  • advocacy of community development to benefit our community
  • strong partnerships in our community
  • clear governance and management practices
  • long term financial sustainability


Matamata Community Resource Centre strives to provide services to community agencies and the public:

  • by providing a facility to accommodate complementary community facilities and seeking to ensure that these are effectively utilised by becoming a focal point for community information
  • by delivering a professional management service to tenants
  • by providing facilities that are self-supporting through tenancies and hireage
  • by supporting and operating in a true partnership with other agencies
  • by promoting and encouraging the ongoing development of services for the community


The trust and employees of MCRC are committed to maintaining ethical standards.

These principles include:

  • respect of the dignity and worth of each individual and the diversity of cultures
  • acting in ways that promote growth for the individual
  • avoiding practices which are harmful
  • maintaining personal honesty in professional relationships
  • providing services in accordance with MCRC’s Vision Statement
  • endeavouring to honour the intention and partnership of the philosophy of the Treaty of Waitangi

Employees (includes volunteers and contractors) of MCRC carry personal responsibility to uphold the highest standards of ethical practice and confidentiality. Tenants and customers are treated with respect.